My 2020 Goals


Hi. This is the very first blog post I have ever written. This blog has no real purpose, other than being a place for me to share my learning progress on certain things, or to share cool stuff I discover. Maybe I'll even upload tutorials for cool things I learn :)

I'm thinking I'll try to post a new post every week, covering some of the things I've learned that week, and cool things I heard/learned/discovered that I would like to share. This week I will cover some of the goals I have set for myself for the year 2020. I have ordered them by category.


This year there are quite a few things I would like to do regarding coding, being a computer science student and all. One of the things I have had on my to-do list for quite some time now is to learn C. In my eyes, C looks like an amazing language to master, as it opens the door to things like embedded systems and microprocessors, speaking of which, hardware is another something I really want to learn more about. All things regarding data sheets, wiring of components and designing PCB's.

Another thing I have wanted to try for some time now is to "master" Vim. After watching George Hotz program in Vim, I've been fascinated by the sheer speed at which he codes, wondering if I could ever achieve such speeds. So for the last week I have been doing all my coding, including the coding for this site in Vim. I've got to say, once you get the hang of some of the basic shortcuts, its amazing! I think it will be some time before I know everything, but so far, so good.

The last coding related goal I'm going to share is my "one commit a day" goal. Its quite self-explanatory, but in essence I want to have no 'zero days', or days on which I do nothing productive. I want to commit something, every, single, day in 2020. No matter how small the commit.


Some health related goals I have set are the following: learn of how to surf, go skiing more often and learn how to ski powder, and most important of all, try and sport at least twice a week. Something else health related I want to try, is to eat less candy. I eat a lot of that stuff, like seriously too much. Not more than 2 pieces of candy each day, and at least one piece of fruit every day! Being healthy is one of the most important things, so I've made this a priority of mine.


I want to read 20 books this year, currently I am reading Edward Snowden's: Permanent Record and Super Pumped by Mike Isaac, two amazing books. Something else I want to get started this year is learning Mandarin, and travel to China this summer holiday. Maybe I'll write a blog post in basic Mandarin at the end of this year!

Self reflection is also something I want to do more of, part of which is covered by me writing these blog posts. I want to write more, blogs posts, essays and even short stories. Everyone has always told me my writing is good, so I think it's a good idea to invest more into writing and grow myself that way.


Of course another important thing for me is my computer science bachelor programme I am enrolled in at Utrecht University. I want to pass at least 6 of my 8 classes this year, but of course I hope I’ll pass all 8 of them. Besides that I got accepted for a semester abroad at the University of California and am currently applying for the UC Berkeley and UCLA campuses, so here’s to hoping I get accepted into one of them!


In the past I have often tried to start a company, but never really pulled through. This year I want to actually start one. Something software related, like a development studio or maybe a prototyping business? Something with mobile apps, or maybe something like hosting apps for other companies?

Besides starting my own company I want to try and get a job to do in my spare time, when I’m not studying at Utrecht University. I’ve always been rejected from companies, just because I can’t afford to work more than 16 hours each week, so I’m hoping there will be a company in 2020 that will hire me for those 16 hours each week that I can actually work.